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Official Website of Award-Winning #1 Bestselling Book

what every

good lawyer

wants you to know

What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know

An Insider's Guide on How to Reduce Stress, Reduce Costs and Get the Most FromYour Lawyer
AWARD WINNING #1 Bestseller 
#1 Bestselling Book

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about THE BOOK



"...As an appellate lawyer, I see clients after they have gone through an ordeal in the trial court after being represented by other lawyers. Someone has already won or lost, and now the person who lost is challenging the results. Sometimes the challenge comes to me. Sometimes the person defending the result comes to me.


Over the past 40 years, I have had many opportunities to talk to clients we represented along with those represented by other lawyers. This has provided me with some insight into who clients are and what they are going through.


So I began considering what made a client a "good" client. It was not because he/she brought a good case or paid fees on time. Working with that particular client was simply more comfortable. I considered why, in equally demanding cases with similar results, some clients fared better than others. I began exploring these issues with other lawyers. The genesis of this book arose from our many conversations and observations.


After examining why some clients were more comfortable to work with than others, I came to realize that the client who had it easiest was the one who intuitively understood the information provided in this book and who was open to receive guidance from his/her lawyer. But the clients who were the least satisfied were less informed and less inclined to heed the counsel of their lawyers.


This book is not about 'The Top 10 Secrets to Winning a Lawsuit.' The plain truth is that in the everyday world of legal cases - whether in a lawsuit, out of court disputes or business dealings requiring lawyers - what dominates the end result is the actual strength of a client's position. A good lawyer will tell you honestly the strength of your position.


The surest way that clients can best weather their experience (and perhaps advance their own case to get preferable results) stems from their willingness to learn and be proactive. Additionally, this book is about what every good lawyer wants you to know, so you can be empowered while minimizing stress and costs. It will assist you in getting the best counsel from your lawyer.


A colleague with whom I have discussed these issues over the years once put it to me very succinctly. He said, 'Sometimes, the next worst thing to losing a lawsuit is winning one.' I hope here to help you avoid that conundrum."


"Sometimes the next worse thing to losing a lawsuit is to winning one." This book was written to help you avoid that conundrum and to give you, a potential participant in the legal system, the inside information needed to best weather your involvement in the legal process.


This book first offers guidance on finding a good lawyer and follows with information and tips that will help you reduce stress, reduce costs and be part of an effective team with your good lawyer.

"...This book serves as a primer and should be required reading before a lay person seeks the assistance of an attorney to address legal issues ...


"...This book should be in the library of every good lawyer and should be frequently reviewed by a good lawyer ...


"...Presenting a prospective client with this book would be an important step in representing the client ..."


-Grace Kubota Ybarra, Attorney at Law

Santa Clara County, California


Francine Tone began practicing law in 1989 after graduating Summa Cum Laude and Valedictorian from Lincoln Law School of San Jose. She began her practice as a trial lawyer and shifted to appeals and is a Certified Appellate Law Specialist, certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. Her practice focuses on appeals in real estate, business, family law and criminal law cases. She offers valuable insight to trial attorneys by anticipating potential appellate issues and resolving as much as possible during the trial process, ultimately reducing a client’s fees and time involved in litigation. She has provided multiple continuing education training as well as taught law school courses and has served a judge pro tem for nearly 20 years.  She is the managing partner of the law offices of Tone & Tone.


Attorney | Business Strategist | Speaker | Certified Emotional Intelligence Consultant | High-Performance Athlete



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Every client and lawyer should read this book. It’s short, easy to read and gets to the point quickly, providing an insider’s perspective not only as a lawyer, but also as a client.  There’s tons in the book that I’ve told my clients over the years and this book puts it all in one place for quick reference for both lawyers and clients.

Dan Stormer, Attorney at Law

 Hadsell, Stormer, Renick LLP 

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